1. For better or for worse, grad school consumes my life.
2. I drink more Diet Coke than any other human I've ever crossed paths with so far.
3. I don't have a boyfriend, husband, or children, so, while I may occasionally gush over my badass niece and nephew, this will not be one of those look-at-my-beautiful-children-and-sappy-family-pictures-all-the-time blogs. But while I'm at it, here are some pictures of my beautiful niece and nephew... :)
This is Reeve. He likes to play a game called "Sith Lords." If you're cool, you know what that is.
And this is Annemarie. She doesn't say much yet, but we all have high hopes for her.
4. I adopted a dog 2 weeks after I graduated from college. Poor Stella has since been "rehomed" because she is the weirdest F-ing animal I've ever seen. I'll tell you about her later.
5. My immediate family consists of a raucous cast of 7 characters who will inevitably provide me with ample material to write about over time. They're all a little (read: a LOT) weird and usually on the somewhat politically incorrect side of the spectrum, which makes for great conversation at the Thanksgiving table.
6. I am phobia-terrified of bugs and other creatures that should otherwise always remain OUTSIDE your home. (try staying calm when one of these is flying at you in attack-mode) (or these.......welcome to the South!)
7. Like I said, I'm in a master's program for teaching secondary level English, so I pretty much loathe poor grammar and am looking forward to instilling the fear of God into my future students until they don't completely suck at it, which I'm assuming they all will.
8. I am weirdly enthralled by Lord of the Rings and would probably have Frodo's babies if I could. Or Aragorn's...or Sam's......I also tend to get fake crushes on older studs such as George Strait or Steve Spurrier. Yes I'm aware of the 40-year age gap.
That's good enough for now. I'll elaborate on these things in the near future. If anyone is actually reading this feeble attempt at a pseudo-chronicle of my life in grad school besides, say, my family members, then I appreciate it. Hell, I appreciate the family members too! I will try to remain as far from boring as possible. Cheers!
"I may be a little crazy but it keeps me from going insane"---Waylon Jennings
I'm afraid I have to challenge you on the Diet Coke thing, Shannon.